Brian's Interests & Hobbies

Outdoor Sports

I enjoy staying active and I try to exercise outside as much as possible.  I love to run and was proud to complete my first half-marathon in 2006 (picture to the left).  This last year I purchased a road bike (pic below right) and have enjoyed going on weekend rides, which is a great workout and an awesome way to see the beautiful Bay Area scenery.  I have also continued my passion for lacrosse by playing for the Team Clif Bar men's club lacrosse team which is less competitive than college, but lets me continue playing the sport that I love. 

Finally, my favorite pastime during the winter is snowboarding.  I started skiing when I was 3 years old, raced competitively as a youth, and have been snowboarding regularly since I switched over a decade ago (pic below left is me snowboarding with my family at Mt. Bachelor, Oregon).  One of my goals in life is to go heli-skiing, which I hope to accomplish this winter.

Volunteering for Rebuilding Together

For the past three years I have volunteered with Rebuilding Together, in partnership with the Yahoo! Employee Foundation, to rehabilitate homes for low-income families. I completed one weekend project every six months, and every project was more inspiring than the one before.  I helped renovate homes by leading team projects including building fences, landscaping, and painting.  The picture to the right is my team and I celebrating after digging up a particularly stubborn tree stump.  In business school, I hope to participate in a Habitat for Humanity build over one of my school breaks.

Guitar, Music and Concerts

Playing guitar has been a passion of mine for 13 years, and I have played in bands as well as solo.  The picture below left is me playing with my friend Rafael Bustamante (of the band The People).  I love a wide variety of music, and going to concerts is one of my favorite activities - I have been to more than 100 live shows in my lifetime. I took the below right picture at a Ryan Adams concert at the historic Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco; one of my favorite artists at my favorite venue in the world.