Fun Facts About Brian

Worst Outcome From Losing a Bet

I'm a hardcore USC football fan, and in 2005 my team made the National Championship Rose Bowl game.  We were set to play against the University of Texas, and a Yahoo! colleague of mine was a die-hard Texas football fan.  A group of our co-workers helped brainstorm a bet for us, and the bet that we ended up agreeing to was for both of us to grow beards the month leading up to the championship game, and the person on the losing end would have to shave their beard down to a mustache and wear it for a week. 

The picture probably gave it away, but I lost.  While it was no Tom Selleck as Magnum PI mustache, it was enough to get laughs out of my friends and colleagues (though my father was somewhat fond of it as he wore a mustache for nearly 20 years). 

Career I Would Pursue If Money Were Not An Obstacle

If money were not an obstacle, I would pursue a career as a volunteer lacrosse coach.  I would love to combine my passion for lacrosse with my desire to coach and mentor youths.  With a corporate job and an 80 mile round-trip work commute each day, it has been near impossible to do so, but as I start my own business, I hope to have the flexibility to explore this goal by volunteering as a coach for a local high school or youth team. 

My Guilty Pleasure

While some peoples' guilty pleasures may include eating bon bons or watching soap operas, fortunately my guilty pleasure is actually healthy: I love taking naps.  In my book, it doesn't get much better than a 20 to 30 minute power nap.  I always wake-up recharged and ready to go!  This may come in handy during business school, as between class, studying, team projects, and taking in all that New York has to offer, there likely won't be many 8 hours of sleep nights. And judging by this picture, I can sleep just about anywhere.

Most Embarrassing Moment

I have a few good ones, but the standout moment took place during a high school playoff lacrosse game.  During my senior year, our team was ranked in the top 50 programs in the United States, and we started drawing quite a crowd to our games.  At one point I dove near the sideline to try to keep an errant pass in bounds, and slid quite a distance on the slick grass.  As I stood up, I felt a mild draft and realized that I had not only lost the ball, but also lost my shorts during my graceful swan dive.  I frantically scrambled to pull my shorts up from my ankles, and as I tried to gather myself in front of the hundred plus chuckling fans on the sideline, I met eyes with the girl whom I had a crush on at the time.  High school can be an awkward time, but this has to take the cake.